A friend forwarded this image to me this morning (I don’t know its provenance, and I suppose I could ask, but it’s almost more fun not to know and to simply marvel and to speculate), and I’ve been obsessing over it all day.
I’m trying—and admittedly failing—to imagine the conversation(s) that led to the creation of this erratum slip, particularly as “triology,” though deeply obscure, is a known, or at least a not unknown, variant of “trilogy.”
Well, I thought you might enjoy obsessing over it too.
P.S. It’s belatedly occurred to me that this erratum slip might well not have originated with the publisher but was handcrafted by an obsessive (note, to be sure, the carefully matching typeface) factotum in the particular library that owned/owns this particular copy of this particular book. Moreover, P.P.S., it’s also belatedly occurred to me that the original chronicler wrote “triology” on purpose, obscurely but scarcely incorrectly, and the erratum slip is itself in, and an, error.
What do you think?
Tune in here for the next thrilling, bedeviling chapter!
About a digression
Leads to depression
‘Tis a lesson
It's utterly trivial, must have been a complete nuisance to many people to handle, and is absurd. And, as I stare meditatively at my navel, what I find myself trying to parse regarding my character and personality is why I find it so charming. I think it's the paper quality? It looks luscious. And the typeface. If it were less pretty, there's no way I'd find it anything but, frankly, stupid. To wind up my comment which may, by now, exceed the word count of your original post: I'm as shallow as ever and forever charmed by a pretty (type)face.