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Ha, there is a little more to do on a Sunday in London these days, but still not much.

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Once you've revisited the museums you've already revisited, you're kind of at a loss. I've learned to content myself with a nice dinner and an early evening (or to fly home on Sunday, which also works).

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Aug 29Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I looked up the lyrics to “The Boy From…” and now Clio the Collie is giving me the stink-eye because my laughter was so loud that it woke her up. PS thanks for the birthday wishes!!

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I hope you’re having a marvelous day!

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Aug 29Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Please keep these coming. At 64 years of age I still love discovering new (to me) words, and "apophasis" did not disappoint. Thank you, and thank Sallie for being Sallie.

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Aug 29Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

fn8: Well said, and a good reminder. Goes for email, too, I'd say.

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I wonder about that, to be honest. But this is where I recognize and declare that I'm not a lawyer.

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Aug 29Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I have no idea about the legal aspects. IANAL, either. But morally, it seems like a no-brainer to me.

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Aug 29Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Love getting your e-mails .

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I’m delighted, Laurie! Thank you for letting me know!

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Aug 29Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Todd’s mother was her friend, so we know her a bit.

Here’s something she told us: whenever LL’s mother returned home from a trip, as she turned her key in the door, she’d say, “Good to get away… good to come home.” (You must hear it with the solemn Yiddish accent.)

Now T and I say it whenever we come home from away. Because it’s so true.

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Oh, that's superb! I last saw LL onstage in 2022 in a play called You Will Get Sick, and she can still absolutely rock the house.

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It is true.

And it reminds me, although the sentiment is different, of a relative who every single year, as everyone said their (tired…it was late…) goodbyes and thank yous at the end of Seder nights ‘Thank you for coming…thank you for going’.

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Aug 30Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

What a wonderful line -- thank you. It will come in quite handy when hosting two days and nights of Passover for all the out-of-town family!

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Hey, you’re very welcome. You could try it for Rosh Hashanah…make it quite the minhag it has become in our family!

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Aug 30Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Evensong at Westminster Abbey is a possibility, if you like choral music and beautiful diction.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Love, love, love your witty posts and generous footnotes. As a non-native speaker, I'm still confused about using 'more important' (adjective) versus 'more importantly' (adverb). Yours is a confusing language, Sir.

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Cool part 2.

I particularly liked the reappearance of your mother in note 7. Oh…by the way…I did her potatoes: very good (I need to keep at different paprika levels and garlic salt [the latter makes me feel very New York]). It’s now keeping company in Recipeland, as Mother Dreyer’s Potatoes, with Frau Rental’s Honey Cake. No one actually knew Frau Rental, or where the recipe had come from, or how it had come into our family…and, unlike Mother Dreyer’s recipe for the potatoes, it wasn’t anyone’s favourite version of honey cake as my mother (mothers…what can I tell you?) remained critical about its addition of orange zest. Eventually, Frau Rental fell off the High Holydays menu planning. Rest assured, Mother Dreyer stands very much the superior partner to poor Frau Rental, whose honey cake remains forever looked down upon by my mother’s Shade (and therefore, the way these things play out…I think you’ll understand, like immediately…by me) for her orange zest and the unresolved questions over her origin. Maybe this year I’ll see what everyone thinks and give her another chance as a fall-back (as my mother would have said ‘in reserve’).

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Aug 30Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Seeing "A Word About..." in my in box always makes the day better.

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Oh! What a marvelous thing to know! Thank you!

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Linda Lavin is all kinds of wonderful.

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Aug 31Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Love this; that’s all!

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Thank you, Maggie!

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Yes, this was a thoroughly enjoyable post. Yes, I love reading your writing because it’s always smart and clever. And yes, I’m an immature child because my favorite sentence was, “Mind you, as I said, we were baked.”

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That delights me! Thank you, Linda!

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

This one really got me, in a strange way. I’m glad I found it this afternoon. Thank you for sharing the experience, Benjamin.

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