I love you so much but once every ten days or two weeks would be better. I'm here for the copyediting stuff and I'm here for the drollery, but drollery is like playing the game of thrones: you win or you die (that's a metaphor - or I suppose a simile? - not a threat).

For me, copyediting the drollery is the sweet spot ✌️

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Jul 6Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I came to your writing beginning with Dreyer’s English. There is a well-used copy on my writing desk as I toil on my second book. My Mother was a science editor at Hopkins and the University of Rochester, and I was sometimes her proofreader. I have a deep appreciation of good writing.

I follow you on Bluesky and thoroughly enjoy your posts, initially about language but increasingly about your passion for early film and theater. Quite often, I recognize only the names of past stars that you discuss, but I very much enjoy learning more about them. Thank you so much for your Substack and Bluesky writing. I look forward to reading everything you write, with delight.

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Thank *you,* Tom! What a great lot of lovely things to say!

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Jun 6Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I adore your writing!

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Thank you, Beverly!

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Jun 5Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I love the diversions. And I greet your appearance in my inbox with a delighted "oh, goody."

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Well, my gosh, thank you, Pamela! Who doesn't like to be greeted with an "oh, goody"?

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Jun 5Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

You have not reached the “oh lord here he is again” point. And the brevity of most of you posts probably gives you more slack

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As succinctly as possible, then:

TY, Kurt.


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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I slurp up your writing because it provides me with a few delectable moments of educated wit. The kind that is generally missing in (my) everyday life.

Your copy editor tips keep me on the straight and narrow, whether writing for myself or in my role as Language Maven in a Foreign Land. It is said that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed person is Queen, but when it comes to using written English properly I prefer to back my pronouncements with the best of sources.

You keep me thinking and keep me laughing, which is the highest of praise, Benjamin. Please do continue.

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Well, then, I guess I'd better continue! Thank you, Caroline!

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I love your writing whenever it comes and whatever it’s about.

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Thank you, Stephanie!

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I just think it cool that you’re here. I love the copy stuff; I love the anecdotal shtick.

Just, please, keep doing your Dreyer thing…frequency is, kind of, immaterial: people either will or won’t read, depending on their time constraints and whether what you say grabs them.

But, I guess the moment you feel you’re forcing it, as if it isn’t really you who’s writing the piece, then don’t go with it. Somehow, I find it hard to imagine you in that state.

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Thank you, Nicolas. I like to think that the way pieces seem to suddenly pop up (or don't) indicates that I do these only when I feel like I have something interesting/amusing to say. And I intend to keep it that way. And off we go!

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Publish and be DAMNED. Some people may unsubscribe in a fury, but more than likely you'll find your audience won't have time to read every single post, but will appreciate that you sent them for consideration all the same.

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I'm expecting/hoping to be damned, published or not!

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I signed up mostly for your editing notes, but I thoroughly enjoy the theater history and any other anecdotes you choose to share. (And you probably already know this, but Doyle is selling the collection of Stephen Sondheim June 18. I'm sure most lots will sell well beyond my budget, but it has been fun to read the emails from Doyle with previews of the sale.)

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I saw that one of his custom-made mystery board games is among the things for sale, and I can only imagine it's going to go for a bloody fortune.

And thank you!

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Just one of the many lots to drool over! His library must have been amazing, judging by the group lots of books on offer.

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

To quote a song from the musical “Baby”, “I want it all!”

PS Was I even close with the punctuation? Sigh….

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You set that comma like you're a Brit, but a lot of people I like (who aren't even Brits) do that. Otherwise you're an artiste!

You get extra credit for not referring to it as "the musical, 'Baby,'" as many people would do, which would of course indicate that it's the only musical in history.

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Ha! Thank you, Benjamin. You've made my day!

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While I always love your notes on grammar, etc., I absolutely delight in your writing about whatever else is on your mind. I love your sense of humor and often snort-laugh when I read a funny line you wrote. Don't you DARE take that joy away from me!

As for worrying about our receiving too many emails, don't. We can all delete or stop the newsletter (which I do with many when I am inundated and overwhelmed) and instead visit the app, which populates the top of the page with people I follow and their latest post, which is how I read this one tonight.

I am so delighted you are writing here.

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Thank you, Jennifer! I'm so glad you're enjoying what I'm doing here!

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I am happy to "follow the voice," as one of my writing teachers used to say made a reader willing to continue reading. I like your snark and I like getting snips of a New York life while comfortably remaining in Ohio. Write whatever and whenever you wish, I say!

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Thank you for everything you share here, on Bluesky, and in /Dreyer's English/. As a result, I've learned any number of new words, refined my punctuation, and—not in the least—been amused by your wit. (Note the use of em dashes.) As small payback, my two cents as regards your questions.

I'm here for the copy editing stuff! I've written a fair amount of non-fiction and academic works, but am now writing fiction. It's different enough, I'm sometimes out to sea.

I truly admire your knowledge of theater and film. For me, it's foreign territory, so a lot goes over my head. But it's in no way a fatal distraction.

Posting once a week certainly makes sense, especially if you occasionally throw in an extra. I also follow you on Bluesky, but appreciate the Substack because you can explore an idea in greater depth and bring together some posts that are scattered over the Bsky timeline.

Again, thanks for all your insights.

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Perfect. Perfect. Thanks, Rich!

And I hope you have an exciting time exploring your fiction voice. Write like you: That's the only advice I can give. Sound like you. Have fun!

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I prefer you post too often than too infrequently. How's that for ambiguous? I'm here for the wit bordering on snark about words. I've loved that ever since I first read The Underground Grammarian and I found the Bulwer-Lytton Contest.

I'll peruse your writings about theater though I don't know who most of those people are.

In other words, keep up the good work.

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I'll do my best not to post excessively infrequently or underwhelmingly often.

Thank you, John!

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Jun 3Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

I think you've found your lane and no suggestions about the content. Post when you have something to say. I'm two seconds away from quoting Move On, so I will follow the song's lead.

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Looking at orther cooments, I'm realizing that I'm somewhat priviliged to recognize virtually all of your non-copy editing references. But whether I do or don't "get it", you invariably inspire me to delve further and learn more. Thank you for your service.

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Jun 4Liked by Benjamin Dreyer

Let me count the typos...

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